Letteres Logo
Letteres Logo


LETTERES® is a brand new line of limited edition products by Parachute® for design enthusiasts. This highly crafted collection -in the cross section of typography and design- epitomises our studio’s LIVING TYPE mindframe to distill everyday objects with emotional intelligence through timeless craftsmanship.
A strictly type-rooted series for enduring aesthetics and easy-to-use functionality, LETTERES expands Parachute Typefoundry’s bold creative thinking into forms of finely detailed beauty. Made of durable, sustainable materials, LETTERES infuses everyday life with the art of typography opting for the rare sophisticated and subtle sense of exclusivity one holds dear. Unique elements of LIVING TYPE to share, appreciate and caress, LETTERES is first and foremost our studio’s typographic love letter to the world.

LETTERES: ‘Letter’ + ‘Res’ (‘things’ in Latin)